'Inactive’ and 'draft' statuses are not compliance flags and you can change them at any time.

  • If your clip status is 'Draft', it means you have not finished completing the clip information and it has not yet been published or made available for sale to customers. You should edit and publish a draft within 30 days.
  • If your clip status is 'Inactive' despite having been reviewed and approved by Compliance, it most likely means you accidentally deactivated the clip from your store.

To re-activate the clip and make it available for customers to purchase, follow the steps below:

1. Find the clip in question on the CLIP STIRE > LIST CLIPS and under manage, select 'edit'

2. Uncheck the 'Lock' box in the top right corner to unlock non-editable fields

3. Scroll down to the 'Active' section and check the box to make your clip appear in your store as active status.

4. Then press the 'update clip' button and you're all set!

If you need help activating your draft or inactive clip, our Creator Experience Team is available 24/7 to assist via chat, phone or email!