To link your store to your Twitter account and have your individual clip sales auto-tweeted, follow these steps:

  • Go to STORE ADD ONS within the Admin, under Clip Store and click the link under STEP 1.
  • This will redirect you to Twitter to authorize C4SAutoTweets to access your account. Click the "Authorize app" button.

  • Then, under STEP 2, enable "Randomly Tweet My Individual Clip Sales" - enabling this allows for tweets about sales that you have made, you can adjust the frequency from 1 tweet to 5 tweets per day.

Note: The "Auto-Tweet My New Clips" feature is currently disabled (even though it can be toggled on) so no auto-tweets will be triggered when you add new clips to your store.

If you experience any problems or have questions during the process, our Creator Experience team is available 24/7 to assist.