Clips4Sale has clips sorted by date by default. The Display Order feature can be used to customize the way that your clips appear on the store. 

Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Go to EDIT CLIP SITE within the Admin
  2. Select “Display Order” at the bottom of the page 
  3. Choose whether you want it to be in ascending or descending order then submit.

Once it has been enabled, you will need to assign your clips a number:

  1. Go to LIST CLIPS in the Admin, find a clip and select “Edit” from the Manage menu 
  2. Scroll down to the Display Order field and assign the clip a number
  3. Submit your changes!

Once done, the order will appear when sorted by Creator Favorites:

If you experience any problems or have questions during the process, our Creator Experience Team is available 24/7 to assist.