Once your store meets the activation requirements, it goes live and becomes available for customers to purchase your content. Once this happens, an automated email is sent advising you the store was activated (email subject: ‘Store Activated (Store ID#)’.

If you’re trying to view your store URL and it leads to a 404 error page, there might be several reasons, but mostly it can be due to missing or pending information.

Pending Identity or Store Approval

  • Make sure your identity/photo ID is already submitted and approved;
  • Make sure you have at least one (1) active clip in your store that’s been reviewed and approved by Compliance. 
  • Make sure your store name and/or URL do not contain banned words. 
  • Make sure your store is active and open.

Another reason your store might lead to a 404 error page can be Geoblock. If you’ve added geographical restrictions to your store and are located in the area that you restricted, you will need to check your store URL from an allowed region or by using a VPN.

If you still experience the same error message, contact our Creator Experience Team for further troubleshooting, we are available 24/7 via call, chat, and email!